The Ladies Auxiliary
History of American Croatian
Ladies Auxiliary
In 1953, under the leadership of Mrs. Katherine Lukesic, the American Ladies Auxiliary was organized. On December 2, 1953, their first election was held and Mrs. Mary Pribanic Sislowski was elected president. Monthly meetings were held at the American Croatian Club on Grove Ave. in Lorain, Ohio in the clubroom which became known as the "Lira Room" in 1960.
Officers at the time were as follows: President-Eva Grubic, Vice President-Luba Brletic, Treasure-Anna Potts, Secretary-Marion Virant, Recording Secretary-Mary Katkic, Trustees-Helen Frankovich, Carloine Dolyk, and Mary Profant.
April 1979 the Ladies Auxiliary celebrated its 25th anniversary. Last minutes of the auxiliary was recorded by Rose M. Perichak on November 20, 1986.
American Croatian Ladies Auxiliary
Present Day
Established in April 2000, the American Croatian Ladies Auxiliary held a meeting in the new American Croatian Club hall on 4850 Oberlin Avenue, Lorain, Ohio. First elected officers were: President-Eleanor Pulgine, Vice President-Jane Derifaj, Secretary-Monika Sommers, Treasurer-Mary Ann Mrvatz, Trustees-Kathy Arnoczky, Carol Sommers and Trish McDonald. The American Croatian Ladies Auxiliary's purpose is to preserve the Croatian Heritage for future generations. Many fund-raisers have been held these past two years and they have been very successful. The auxiliary was instrumental in purchasing the material for the children’s Kolo Costumes and having them specially made.