The Club Room

Our club room is frequented by both of our active and social members & used for various social, ethnic and sporting events.  It is here that we root for our beloved Buckeyes, Browns, Cavaliers & Indians.  We also have watch parties for various sporting events such as the Super Bowl, World Series, Soccer Matches, Boxing and Fight Nights.

Our members can enjoy themselves playing pool, throwing darts, & playing keno.  A recently upgraded jukebox and sound system provide hours of enjoyment and entertainment for our members.  We are continually improving the club room for our members, so stop in often to see our latest upgrades.

 We have fish dinners available on Fridays during lent.  Every other day of the week, we offer a variety of other quality bar foods that are made to order.  Daily, weekly and monthly drawings are available ONLY to our members.

Because we have a family oriented environment for our members and their families, no children are allowed in the club room after 8:00 pm.